Unraveling the Shield: A Pictorial Journey into Amazon WAF and the 8KB Attack


In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber security, protecting web applications from potential threats is of paramount importance. Amazon Web Application Firewall (WAF) stands as a formidable shield, safeguarding countless applications from malicious attacks like SQL injection, XSS, and more. In this article, we embark on a pictorial expedition into the realm of Amazon WAF and explore the intriguing 8KB attack, revealing how it poses a unique challenge to the fortress of protection.

Understanding the Amazon WAF

Imagine Amazon WAF as the guardian of your web application, stationed between the user and your server. It analyzes incoming requests and filters out any malicious or suspicious traffic, allowing only legitimate requests to pass through. But how does it work behind the scenes?

The 8KB Attack: Unraveling the Limitations

Amazon WAF, like any defense mechanism, has its limits. One of its notable limitations is the 8KB attack, where malicious actors craft carefully designed HTTP requests, purposefully keeping their payload within the 8KB threshold to bypass the firewall’s scrutiny.

Handling oversize web request components in AWS WAF

Manage the size limits on inspecting the web request body, headers, and cookies in AWS WAF.


The Art of Evasion: How the 8KB Attack Works

Digging deeper into the mechanics of the 8KB attack, I uncover the cunning techniques used by attackers to stay under the radar. The attackers cleverly distribute their malicious payload across multiple requests, each under the 8KB limit, only to reassemble it on the server-side to execute the exploit.

I added on extra parameter with garbage values to increase the size of payload more than 8 KB.

Strengthening the Shield: Mitigation Strategies

While the 8KB attack poses a challenge, it’s essential not to lose hope. Amazon WAF provides a variety of mitigation strategies to fortify your defenses.

Mitigating the 8KB Attack on Amazon WAF requires a multi-layered approach to strengthen your application’s defenses against this specific type of threat. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

Mitigating the 8KB Attack on Amazon WAF requires a multi-layered approach to strengthen your application’s defenses against this specific type of threat. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

1. Payload Length Limitation:
Enforce strict payload length limitations within your application’s code or web server configuration. By reducing the maximum allowed length of HTTP requests, you can minimize the impact of 8KB attacks, making it harder for attackers to distribute malicious payloads.

2. Rate Limiting:
Implement rate limiting for incoming requests to prevent attackers from bombarding your application with numerous small requests to circumvent the 8KB limit. Rate limiting will help control the number of requests from a single IP address or user, making it more challenging for attackers to execute their malicious intentions.

3. Request Size Analysis:
Leverage Amazon WAF’s built-in request size analysis capabilities. Use WAF rules to inspect incoming requests for unusual patterns, large payloads, or patterns typical of an 8KB attack. Customize your WAF rules to block or throttle such requests automatically.

4. String Matching and Signature-Based Rules:
Create custom rules in Amazon WAF to look for specific patterns or signatures related to 8KB attacks. By matching known malicious patterns, you can block or filter out potentially harmful traffic proactively.

5. Behavior Analysis:
Employ behavioral analysis techniques to identify unusual or suspicious activity within the application. Anomalies in request patterns or characteristics, such as multiple small requests from the same IP in a short period, could indicate an 8KB attack attempt.

6. Implement CAPTCHA Challenges:
Consider integrating CAPTCHA challenges in your application’s login or sensitive areas. CAPTCHAs can significantly reduce automated attacks and force attackers to solve them manually, making it less cost-effective for them to continue their efforts.

7. Web Application Security Testing:
Perform regular security testing, including penetration testing and code reviews, to identify and address potential vulnerabilities within your web application. Addressing these issues can significantly reduce the risk of successful 8KB attacks and other security breaches.

8. Stay Updated and Educated:
Keep track of the latest security threats and updates related to Amazon WAF and the 8KB attack vector. Stay informed about emerging attack patterns, and actively participate in security communities to share knowledge and best practices.

9. Web Application Firewall Tuning:
Regularly review and fine-tune your Amazon WAF settings and rules to adapt to changing threat landscapes. Continuously assess and adjust your security posture to match the evolving attack tactics.


Navigating the intricacies of Amazon WAF and the elusive 8KB attack has been an enlightening journey. As we conclude our expedition, let’s remember that cybersecurity is a continuous process of learning and adapting. By staying vigilant, exploring defense mechanisms like Amazon WAF, and employing mitigation strategies, we can better protect our web applications from potential harm.

Confession 😊

As I delved into the intricacies of mitigating the 8KB attack on Amazon WAF, I must admit that I sought assistance from the ever-helpful ChatGPT. Its insights and suggestions provided valuable guidance in crafting this blog to help fortify our web applications against potential threats. Collaboration and knowledge sharing truly empower us to build a safer digital world!